Moi: A Free Wiki For Everyone



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Moi - You're our Celebrity.At Moi, we believe that every human's life has a unique story to tell and we seek to let that story known to the world.To make some Learn,Some realize that they are not alone,and others just for the fun of it.At moi some stories are touching,some inspiring,and the others are just outright funny.
ReadOn Moi you get to read the Biographies of countless people around the world, with unique stories told in a Wikipedia like article format,but filled with lots of information,truth and fun.Shorten the route to meeting new people by reading about them first :)
WriteAt Sign Up, Moi gathers some information about you, and we write you a free 2000 word biography,which is left for you to manage,you can edit your bio,add delete and share your Wikipedia-esque biography to anyone.You don't have to be Famous :)
EditAnother really exciting Feature in Moi is the ability to Anonymously Edit anybody's Bio, the purpose of which is to keep the Bio constantly updated. so any of your friends can just pop up and add some really cool story from your childhood, albeit you will bee notified on every edit to your bio,and you can either accept the change or revert back to the previous state.
You also get an online profile at , where people without the Moi app can read your Biography.